Saturday, June 1, 2013

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Merrell Fankhauser appears on tonight's Voice of the People Radio broadcast with host, Greg Miller.

Merrell Fankhauser appears on tonight's Voice of the People Radio broadcast with host, Greg Miller. LIVE starting at 6pm Eastern Time, Merrell will be joining Greg in the Second hour at 7pm Eastern Time. The Voice of the People Radio is heard LIVE on 107.7 FM New Orleans, Louisiana, and can be heard LIVE on network and on Live365 Internet Radio.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Ch... English: The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Churchward. Português: O Continente Perdido de Mu, por James Churchward. Alguém alterou a imagem original. Onde está escrito Lemuria deveria estar escrito Mu, pois são "continentes" distintos. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption] Merrell Fankhauser will also be appearing on tonight's show with John B. Wells on Coast to Coast AM.
1am - 5am ET 10pm - 2am PT
Sat 06-01 In the first half, John B. Wells will be joined by Grammy nominated rock musician, Merrell Fankhauser, writer of Wipe Out. He is also a longtime UFO researcher and has accumulated evidence that the Lost Continent of Mu (sometimes referred to as Lemuria) can be found in Hawaii. 
Merrell Fankhauser - Guest @ Voice of the People Radio (@votpr) LIVE 6pm Eastern Time- then Coast to Coast AM tonight Merrell's 1/2 HR TV show Tiki Lounge can now be seen at The show is a great mix of Surf Rock, Oldies, and Hawaiian Music and is available for private bookings! Email for rates and available dates. Merrell’s surf song, “We Love Tikis” was named an instant “Surf and Tiki Culture Hit” by DJs and fans around the world.
Photograph of Merrell Fankhauser, (c) 2010 Luis Escobar